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Open Eyes History Blog

Built Slick Website
The Story

I needed to build a blog as an example in my Web Design class I've been teaching and I asked the students to make their own, about whatever they enjoy. I really enjoy learning alternative history and questioning the narrative when it doesn't quite add up. I made a blog about some of the most fascinating topics I've ever heard of.

A few of the topics include:

  • Nephilim Giants Petrified in Mountains
  • Lightsabers in the 1700's & Nikola Tesla's Re-discoveries
  • The Weird Roots of Santa
  • Cathedrals & Cymatics: Ancient Healing Technology of Sound
  • Flying Machines in the Bible
  • Ancient Trees That We Call Mountains
  • Melted Civilizations

I love the old cathedrals and how they seem to have served a purpose to heal cities using frequencies. Maybe you've been curious about Nikola Tesla's research and think real-life lightsabers in the 1700's sounds like a cool topic? You'll find a bunch of cool stuff like that.

I try to approach them from a biblical viewpoint and so when I hear that something was "millions of years old" that could be a red flag to investigate it further. Check out this blog if you like digging into the parts of historry that we're not taught so plainly. I don't update it a lot, but it's got some fascinating content and links to interesting research that I think most anyone could enjoy. It's just really stinkin' fun.

Free Template!

You want to use this site as a template for your own, you can clone it for free on my Webflow profile and make your own blog.

Made For Fun